Over the course of three days, HD Expo delivered 12 informative programs digitally, as part of a successful shift in this year’s show. Despite the...
4 Designers and Architects on the Future of Hospitality
As the world continues to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and adapt to these unprecedented times, HD is checking in...
Calendar: HD Virtual Events
While we all continue to adjust to today's new "normal," HD is offering as many realtime experiences across our digital platforms as possible. Join...
A Message from Stacy Shoemaker Rauen, HD Editor in Chief
We live in unprecedented times. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by COVID-19. We all at Hospitality Design recognize the pandemic’s personal...
COVID-19: Coverage and Resources
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to develop, Hospitality Design is reporting on the latest news and connecting with the hospitality...
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