Doubletree Hotel at the Entrance to Universal Orlando has unveiled an entire floor of PURE® Allergy Friendly Rooms. The PURE concept uses special purification techniques in which each room is treated comprehensively to remove allergens and irritants from all surfaces, fabrics, and air flow. A rigorous conversion process ensures that air handling units are deeply cleaned and sanitized, then equipped with the company’s specially made Tea Tree Oil Cartridge, an all-natural antiseptic and disinfectant that maintains the sanitary conditions created during the initial conversion process. Soft surfaces are sanitized with PURE Clean to eliminate irritants and contaminants that can trigger allergies. The room then undergoes a one-time shock treatment to kill any remaining living organisms and their associated irritants. Afterwards, a barrier is applied to all surfaces to prevent the growth of bacteria. An air-purification system is installed to maintain ideal conditions in the 24 allergy-friendly guestrooms.
Doubletree Orlando Unveils Allergy-Free Accommodations
The 24 PURE guestrooms are treated to remove allergens and irritants from surfaces, fabrics, and air flow.
Doubletree Orlando Unveils Allergy-Free Accommodations
The 24 PURE guestrooms are treated to remove allergens and irritants from surfaces, fabrics, and air flow.