Submissions are now open for the Hospitality Diversity Action Council’s (HDAC) fourth annual Awards of Excellence program.
Recognizing outstanding work in the hospitality industry, the award(s) are granted to individuals and companies from various segments—including ownership/management, architecture/design/landscape, branding, and vendor/product—that are working to advance our industry through the promotion of diversity, inclusion, and equity.
Submit to the 2024 Awards of Excellence by Friday, March 15th
Hospitality professionals are encouraged to nominate others (or themselves) in recognition of the work they are doing to strengthen the field in three areas:
– Professional Excellence: A body of work that exhibits a high level of professional achievement. Exhibits a collaborative and participatory approach to working with others.
– Promotion of Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equity: Demonstrated intent and ability to promote diversity, inclusivity, and equity through their work and values.
– Affecting Change: Exhibits a forward-thinking and progressive approach with a goal to create positive change in the hospitality industry and the wider community.
Selected by a jury of current HDAC members, winner(s) will be honored at the 20th annual HD Awards on April 30th at the Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas during HD Expo + Conference.
Past HDAC Awards of Excellence honorees include: Jason Bass, director of culture and programming at the Thompson Buckhead; Dyonne Fashina, founder and principal designer at Toronto-based Denizens of Design; and Ashli Johnson, executive director at Howard University’s Marriott-Sorenson Center for Hospitality Leadership, who was honored at the 19th annual HD Awards ceremony last year in New York.