Groundbreaking commenced on the new 22-story Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Fort Lauderdale. The oceanfront property will house the newest Four Seasons hotel on floors four through 11, which will include 130 guestrooms and an array of amenities. Nearly 100 private residences will open onsite as well.
London-based designer Tara Bernerd spearheaded the building’s interiors, while Miami architect Kobi Karp served as the architect at large. F&B spaces, lounges, and the onsite pool areas were designed by London-based designer Martin Brudnizki. The building will be outfitted with an oceanfront terrace on the third floor that features two pools, a pool bar, and luxury cabanas. The third floor will also host the Four Seasons spa along with a fitness center. A lounge and outdoor café will also be included.