Three Tips for Designers Specifying Art
From Janie Stanfield, Soho Myriad
1. Quite often, the spaces we’re working with are voluminous; you have to be aware of your space in order to create impact. Sizing specs for different spaces, you need to know if scaling can be incorrect for a number of reasons: evaluations aren’t read correctly; the scale is larger on paper; the scale on original plan is sometimes off. Even if it’s not a big space, scale and functionality can be easily underestimated.
2. You have to be conscious of the hotel’s function. Is it a resort? If so, think twice about where you’re hanging art because there might be kids scrambling in the vicinity with the lowbrow mission of wreaking havoc. Or maybe you’re selecting for a convention hotel with multiple functions. Make sure the art does not interfere with events and banquets.
3. The biggest thing to remember are those innocuous red fireboxes. Sure, they’re safety imperative, but keep in mind that the contractor might hang that red box smack in the middle of the wall where you planned to install your feature piece. Relocating at this point can be an install nightmare.
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