Hospitality Design (HD) is joining forces with West Elm to present the sixth annual HD/West Elm Student Product Design Competition. Current students and those who have been out of school for up to a year are eligible to enter. The deadline for submissions has been extended to Friday, March 22nd.
This year, West Elm is looking for a barstool intended for hospitality and commercial spaces. The winning designer will receive a $5,000 prize and have their product produced by West Elm.
The stool should be aesthetically neutral enough to go into multiple environments but should have a distinct design perspective while also fitting seamlessly into the West Elm vernacular. Additionally, the stool should incorporate a seat back, make use of stretchers to ensure durability, and have an upholstered seat. Materials should be considered for both aesthetics and durability given that these pieces may be used in high-traffic spaces like lobbies, restaurants, and guestrooms in multiple types of commercial and residential locations.
Submit to the HD/West Elm Student Product Design Competition
The student winner will be featured in the May/June issue of Hospitality Design magazine and celebrated at the 20th annual HD Awards ceremony on April 30th at the Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas during HD Expo + Conference.
Past winners include Laurie Sadove (2019), Andrew Jacobs (2020), Archana Menon (2021), Chae Rim Kang (2022), and Calvin Ma (2023).